After serving in the Army National Guard as an enlisted soldier for 7 years, Andrew Spriensma attended Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana and joined Faith United Reformed Church. Upon graduation, he was called and ordained to the gospel ministry by Faith URC to serve as a chaplain to the United States Army.
Immediately upon his ordination, he was deployed to Iraq, where he served as a chaplain for an infantry battalion during 2008. Since then, Chaplain Spriensma has served in multiple duty stations, including bases in South Carolina, Germany, Kentucky, and North Carolina. He also deployed four more times to the Middle East in order to minister to U.S. service members. His regular duties include leading chapel worship services and providing pastoral care to the soldiers and families within his military unit.
He is currently assigned to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri as the Family Life Chaplain, where he provides pastoral counseling to the community. Andrew is married to the former Michelle DeBoer and they have five children: Grace, Sophia, Josiah, Anneliese, and Judah.
He can be contacted by phone: (931-266- 3358) or email: andrew.t.spriensma.mil@mail.mil.