"Iglesia Reformada Luz de Vida" (Light of Life Reformed Church)
Rev. Pablo Landazuri
Quito, Ecuador
"Iglesia Reformada Luz de Vida" (Light of Life Reformed Church) is located in Quito, Ecuador. Quito is the capital of the country and has a population of around 2.5 million people. Quito´s main religion is Roman Catholicism (80%) which can be characterized largely as nominal in spirit
and secular in ethics. Most Evangelical churches (15%) are highly influenced by a prosperity gospel, dispensationalism, pentecostalism, and a charismatic style. Non- Roman Catholic Churches are thus perceived by many as irreverent and informal. These facts make our outreach efforts in the community very complex.
Luz de Vida met for the first time on September of 2005 under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Donoso. Since June 2014, Rev. Landazuri has been working along the Luz de Vida Consistory. As of now Luz de Vida has a membership of 14 families.
For more information about this work please contact Rev. Landazuri at:
Email: pablo.landazuri@hotmail.com
Address: Amagasi del Inca E 13-36 y Guayacanes. Conjunto Ager 2002, Casa # 3. Quito, Ecuador.
Blog/Website: https://www.facebook.com/iglesiareformadaluzdevida
Phone: 593 986137795
Sending Church: Covenant URC Pella, Iowa
Email: covenat@iowatelecom.net
Address: 2805 Fifield Road. Pella, IA 50219
Phone: 641-620-1777