As of 2019, MINTS International Seminary works in more than 70 countries in the world, with over 700 study centers and many thousands of students. Courses are written in 11 languages. From 2004-2019, MINTS has graduated more than 4,700 students.
MINTS provides distance education in which groups can study on-line, but most gather in weekly study groups where local teachers are trained to teach the MINTS courses. Courses are available free of charge on our web pages (www.mints.edu, www.mintsespanol.com) and are available through a variety of on-line programs.
MINTS works on an interdenominational level and only teaches from a Biblical and Reformed perspective. All the accepted MINTS courses are approved by the International Academic Dean and placed on our web pages.
MINTS has 14 full-time staff and over 150 adjuncts and local coordinators. The United Reformed Churches in North America have six men working with MINTS: Mr. Norlan De Groot, Mr. Melvin Dotinga, Dr. Cornelius (Neal) Hegeman, Dr. Eric Pennings, Rev. José Ramírez, and Dr. Allen Vander Pol. Other teachers and writers come from the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). MINTS does not pay its teaching missionaries. Each missionary is under the authority of a local church or denomination and raises his own support. The URCNA missionaries and mission workers report to a Joint Venture Committee comprised of calling churches from Canada and the USA.
MINTS specializes in working at the Master’s level, training teachers and professors of Bible institutes, seminaries, and other educational projects. The Masters thesis is to write a 100-page commentary on a book of the Bible. The Doctoral programs build on further training of MINTS professors.
MINTS partners with many national churches and mission agencies, such as Building Bridges, CLIR, Dominican Luke Society, Mission to the World, Reformed Mission Services, Third Millennium, Timothy Training, Word and Deed, and others.
Rev. Cornelius (Neal) and Sandra Hegeman have been involved in international missions since 1980. They served in the Dom
inican Republic from 1981-1993. Neal has been with MINTS Theological Seminary since 2000. Neal is a missionary teacher, author of many courses and books (
mintsespanol.com) and currently visits up to 12 countries a year. He is the MINTS Coordinator for Hispanic ministries as well as for MINTS Seminary in prisons. Rev. Hegeman’s ordination credentials are with the Trinity Reformed Church of Cape Coral, Florida. The Hegemans have three children: Jonathan, Katrina and Melinda.
Neal can be contacted at hegjkm@aol.com.
Joint Venture Committee partner church in Canada is: Covenant Reformed Church, 265 Albion Rd., Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W3P1, Canada.
Sending church is Trinity Reformed Church, 2220 Hancock Bridge Parkway, Cape Coral, FL., 33990, USA.
Hegeman's address: 126 Timber Trace, Anniston, Alabama, 36207, phone number 786-512-0697
Eric can be contacted at: epennings@rogers.com
Rev. Eric Pennings is the International Academic Dean of MINTS with
responsibilities for academic standards around the world. He has been working as a missionary professor with MINTS since 2005. His current teaching ministry involves travel throughout Latin America. He also is Academic Dean of the English language Word & Spirit Institute, a MINTS study centre set up by Canadian Reformed churches in Toronto. Eric is married to Carla, and has 4 children: Ryan, Jason, Angela, and Kyle.His sending church is: Covenant Reformed Church of Toronto, 265 Albion Road, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 3P1 CANADA
The Joint Venture partner church in USA is: Faith United Reformed Church, 8270 120th Avenue, West Olive, Michigan, 49460 USA
Norlan De Groot is an elder at Redeemer United Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa. He serves MINTS as the Southeast Asia Coordinator. He helps to facilitate the work of MINTS study centers in southern and southeastern Asia, making several trips there each year. Norlan is a writer and teacher by profession. He also holds a Master of Divinity degree from Calvin Theological Seminary. Norlan’s wife, Julie, is a teacher at Unity Christian High School in Orange City. Norlan and Julie have four children: Christopher, Philip, Megan, and Amy. Norlan can be reached at norlandegroot.mints@gmail.com or 712-545-0285.
José Ramírez was born in El Salvador and emigrated to Canada at the age of 15. In 2000, he was called to be a church planter and since then he has been working in ministry. José began work in MINTS in 2010 as the El Salvador Coordinator. Currently, José is an Associate Dean in MINTS for Central America and Cuba. He is also developing the MINTS Study Program in Toronto, Canada.
His sending church is Covenant Reformed Church of Toronto
265 Albion Road, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M9W 3P1
The Joint Venture partner church in USA is Faith United Reformed Church, 8270 120th Avenue, West Olive, Michigan 49460
José lives in Toronto with his wife Rosa and two children Esmeralda and Steve. José can be contacted at: mintsca1@gmail.com